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Sustainability @MOTORWERK

We live sustainability.


Motorwerk Berlin is certified in the highest possible category "Leader" as a Sustainable Partner of visitBerlin. 


For this, Motorwerk has had itself audited on the basis of an extensive catalog of criteria. This is based on internationally recognized frameworks and was developed together with experts in in-depth processes. The catalog of criteria is not a checklist, but a sophisticated tool to anchor and further develop corporate sustainability and a continuous improvement process in the event industry.

Atmosfair Logo

Guidelines of the sustainability strategy


Motorwerk Berlin is a monument from the booming founding years of Berlin, which reflects the entire history of the city: inventiveness and electrification, war years and occupation, nationalization and reconstruction, reunification and techno temple. Then the onset of decay after the turn of the millennium. 


Our vision is to continue writing history in this place as a driving force. We've taken this center out of disrepair and established it as a creative center for the boom of the new century. This includes ateliers, workshops, studios, co-working spaces and, as a communicative center, the event location.


What was once a wasteland, part vacant, part warehouse for bankruptcy goods, is being transformed into the intersection of creativity and business with the goal of finding new ideas and avenues of growth that serve humanity and its environment.


The Motorwerk site should be a breeding ground and testing ground for new ideas. Many projects have already been implemented, which resulted from this unique mixture of creative people (artists, students, designers, craftsmen) and classic companies as well as start-ups - supplemented by events of various kinds in the motor factory. 


Here are some examples:


  • Upcycling furniture and designing durable new furniture

  • Production of sustainable food

  • Fair to establish the bicycle as a professional means of transport

  • Series of events on the subject of sustainability

  • Safety equipment design 

  • Local finishing of textiles

Nachhaltigkeit Möbel

This fertile environment creates new impulses for sustainable topics such as upcycling, circular economy and other creative ideas. New resource-saving concepts are to be tested here, new designs developed and new products created.


The use of the former production hall for electric motors as a sustainable event location closes the circle. It initially serves the site and its tenants to test and demonstrate new things - but also to external companies to present new products in this creative environment or to develop strategies for the future in the context of conferences.


The entire Motorwerk team runs the event venue with personal commitment and is highly motivated. The company guidelines of the operating company AMATA Management GmbH form an important basis for entrepreneurial and strategic action, which is characterized by respectful and fair dealings with each other and with our business partners. 


Everything we do is geared towards the long term. This applies to both internal and external aspects. Long-term employment relationships, maximum customer satisfaction and mutually fulfilling partnerships are particularly important. The promotion and further development of our employees as well as the long-term loyalty to the company are very important to us, because the employees always form the basis of entrepreneurial success.


AMATA has set itself the goal of firmly anchoring sustainable action in the company. This is reflected in the fact that we act ecologically, economically and socially in a sustainable manner and use the available resources responsibly.


In addition to compliance with the law, which we take for granted, we have developed compliance rules for responsible action, which we adhere to out of conviction and for which we vouch. 


In order to reduce the complexity of sustainable action and at the same time improve measurability and control, we are working on a sustainability roadmap with specific goals for the four action areas of ecology, economy, society and governance/risk/compliance. We make aspects relevant to sustainability measurable using key figures. In future, the status of target achievement will be recorded every six months and compared with the targets set. In this way, sustainability management is being consistently further developed.

Nachhaltigkeit Messe

Pillars of the sustainability strategy



AMATA uses environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies in all areas. The consumption of all resources should be optimized in such a way that further savings potentials are regularly found and the environment is protected in this way.

The core of the measures implemented so far was the introduction of an IP-controlled central building technology, which went into operation in 2020. Additional areas will be successively connected to this central office. In a first step, the analysis should be improved so that the control can be optimized on this basis.



AMATA attaches particular importance to sustainable management in order to achieve the goals set and to secure the existing jobs. Resource-saving management contributes significantly to this. 

To this end, we maintain a regular, open culture of communication with our stakeholders and deal with our customers in a transparent and responsible manner. With this in mind, we also maintain our long-term partnerships. For both ecological and economic reasons, we save electricity, water, heat, printer paper and the like wherever possible. 



AMATA is committed to social interaction and a stable society worth living in, which always pays attention to the observance of human rights. The focus is on our employees, who, as a fundamental resource of our company, make a significant contribution to the positive image and long-term success. As a family-friendly employer, we support and encourage our employees wherever possible. When selecting products and services, we ensure compliance with statutory social standards.



For our self-image, we have introduced a compliance agreement, in which all employees are regularly instructed and which is the elementary basis of day-to-day activities. It is determined by complying with legal requirements, regulatory standards and fulfilling our corporate values. 

Company management, risk analysis and compliance are the most important tasks of the management, especially with regard to the sustainability strategy. Due to short official channels and regular exchange, deviations are promptly identified and remedied. The interests and concerns of the employees are taken seriously, the potential of risk warnings and criticism from inside and outside is used. There is an error culture at AMATA that sees errors and criticism as opportunities and tackles their causes. Compliance thus guarantees the company's successful sustainability.


Our compliance policy contains the basic rules for our behavior towards our customers, service providers and within the company. The management has undertaken to inform the employees about the regulations, rules and laws and to set an example for the values and rules contained therein.



Goal and vision of the sustainability strategy


The goal and vision of our sustainability strategy can be presented on two levels:


On a higher, abstract level, we aim to change and sustainably improve things through our work. Above all, this includes activities that we make possible by assuming economic risks. We want to use it to start discussions and activities that would otherwise not have taken place.


On a subordinate, practical level, we want to make hosting events as sustainable as possible. This relates above all to the consumption of resources, especially energy, which we want to significantly reduce and make more environmentally friendly. It initially includes the areas for which we are responsible, such as heating, but we also want to make suggestions to our customers as to how they can solve upstream and downstream issues as sustainably as possible. This ranges from the logistics of visitor movements to the disposal of materials, which hopefully will not be necessary if material can be rented on site.


Our goal is to further reduce the resources consumed by our actions in the future and - as far as possible and sensible - to produce them ourselves and CO2-neutrally.


Energy is the most important resource that we consume. This applies today to electricity and natural gas. From an ecological point of view, our sustainability vision is based on using 100% renewable energy in all aspects. We currently use natural gas to operate the dark radiator heating, which is not available as a 100% regenerative form of energy. The resulting CO2 emissions are offset by a compensation fee from our partner Atmosfair. 

It is therefore our goal not to generate any emissions in the first place and therefore not to purchase any natural gas, but to convert the entire technology to solar power. We have already received various offers for the installation of a photovoltaic system over the entire 1,800 square meters of the roof area of the engine plant. The new power distribution system installed in 2021 is already geared towards this. The aim is to install the photovoltaic system in the next two years. 


We have been looking for partners from science and research for a long time to develop a pilot project for storing thermal heat together with us. In the Motorwerk there are huge wall and floor areas on or in which heat from events taking place could be stored. As part of our sustainability strategy, we regularly hold relevant discussions and are always open to suitable ideas. 


With all these issues, we are gradually approaching the goal of our sustainability strategy, namely to solve issues that we are compensating for today by using our own energy and other new technologies in the future.


In this context, we are also discussing the approach of making rental furniture for our events sustainable in such a way that less material has to be transported for events in our house. We talk to our stakeholders about how furniture that we produce ourselves and that is constantly available on site could be changed in such a way that it could be used for a wide variety of purposes, how prints on canvas can be replaced by projections and how one can literally turn white furniture black in this way could get. Furnishing the foyer was already a first attempt to design and implement multifunctional furniture by a creative artist and carpenter. 


For several years, the management has been trying to initiate a shuttle service purely using electric buses, which unfortunately has failed due to the available resources in this area. The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) had to withdraw after a short discussion on this topic, since the existing electric buses are only sufficient for daily operation, shuttle bus operators currently do not have any electric buses in use. 

Despite all the setbacks, we continue to work on our strategy of making the entire process of transporting guests and material to us, on our premises and away from us sustainable and resource-saving.


Our sustainability goals for the coming period in numbers:


  • Reduction of external electricity purchases by 50% by the end of 2023 

  • Reduction of water consumption by 50% by the end of 2023 

  • Waste avoidance at events by 50% by the end of 2023


Grüne Wand im Motorwerk

personal responsibility



Environmental protection concerns us all.


Responsible for environmental management at Motorwerk is David Krueger



The safety of our visitors is our highest concern. To this end, we train all employees on an ongoing basis and have state-of-the-art technology in terms of personal safety, ventilation and fire protection.


The safety officer at Motorwerk is Andreas Auls



AMATA Management GmbH is committed to paying the same wages for the same work, regardless of who does the work. This applies regardless of age, gender, nationality or other discriminatory factors.

Training, further education and work experience in the respective position are criteria that are decisive for remuneration.

We are a member of the Klischeefrei initiative of the Federal Ministries of Education and Research and Family, which campaigns for career and study choices free of gender clichés.


Diversity officer at Motorwerk is Mandy Brandt



The managing director Thorsten Hirsemann is responsible for compliance


AMATA Management GmbH is committed to constantly expanding its sustainable service portfolio and to proactively inspiring its customers for sustainable events. 





Suggestions for improvement and complaints are always welcome. We can only improve with your help! The best way to reach us is personally, by phone or email – or anonymously using the contact form on this website.


In order to be able to examine your suggestion or your complaint and to be able to answer you promptly, please send us the following information: 


  • When did your concern arise?

  • Which event is your concern related to?

  • Please describe your request in as much detail as possible


We will immediately confirm receipt of your request and promptly review the request with the people involved.


If a short-term clarification of the incident is not possible, we will inform you immediately.


contact form




Berlin, 09.11.2020 (last update 12/15/2022)

Thorsten Hirsemann

Managing Director

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